Maynard Cuellar

Welcome to my little place on the World Wide Web. My professional life is doing software development at a large advertising and marketing company. My personal life is raising a wonderful family here in the suburbs of New York City. You might have guessed that computers and technology are my passion. I am an overall technophile. Feel free to connect with me. Thank you for visiting and please come back soon.

Stuff I Know

  • ASP.NET, IIS, C#, Visual Basic, SQL Server, SharePoint, BizTalk, Pretty much anything .NET
  • HTML, CSS, JavaScript, XML, Pretty much any web standard technologies
  • VBScript, PowerShell, Pretty much any Windows Server based scripting languages
  • Longview Application Development
  • Software development and architecture concepts such as: SOA, OOP, design patterns, responsive design, source control
  • Enterprise data center concepts such as: virtualization, LAN, VLAN, SAN, firewalls, routing, load balancing, disaster recovery, etc.
  • Over the years I've dabbled into: PHP, Java, Perl, Unix, Linux, Oracle, MySQL, C++, Pascal, Cobol, and Assembly language.

Stuff I Do at Work

  • Problem solver and solutions provider in an ever-changing IT landscape
  • General development in particular around SharePoint, BizTalk, and all things related to .NET
  • Longview Khalix development
  • Maintain and support other legacy systems

Stuff I Like to do at Home

  • Photography
  • Reading tech news
  • Tweeting about stuff
  • Playing sports (especially running & tennis)
  • Hanging out with my family